Beauty learners pass Thai massage exam!

Congratulations to our fantasTEC Beauty learners, who have all passed their Thai massage course in Bangkok!

As their trip to Thailand nears the end, the group sat a practical exam which tested all the skills they have learned so far. As well as the hard work prepping for the exam, learners and staff have had an incredible tour of markets, temples and more.

Programme Leader Clare Preston updates us on their journey so far…

“We arrived in Bangkok on the 16th, tired and a bit stiff but excited to be here. Room allocation sorted and a quick trip to the 7/11 for some snacks and then learners had their first experience of Thai food! Some fared better on the amount of spice in their food! Some were not impressed with the food and McDonalds and KFC became a regular outing. 

“Our first full day we had day 1 of training and a proper taste of Thai traffic! The way bikes and tuk tuks weave in and out, we were waiting for an accident. Luckily, we have seen none!

“The Chiva-Som International Academy is surrounded by restaurants, shops, and street vendors, but once inside the serene and calming atmosphere it is a world away from the outside hustle and bustle.

“First day we learnt about the history of Thai traditional massage, along with the benefits and contra-indications. Then began the fun part

and learning some of the initial moves. Thai massage is not like your usual Swedish where clothes are removed and oils used, all Thai massage is over clothes/skin ans dry hands. The movements are also a good work out for the therapist! Lots of lifting legs in the air and bending your model. First day journey home in the bus was quiet as some jet lag caught up with us and learners were tired from applying the movements.

“First full night out to experience more of Bangkok’s incredible nightlife. Lots of street vendors and people walking around trying to sell locusts, spiders and scorpions! The music so loud to try to entice you in.

“Saturday was an amazing trip to Wat Arun temple! Absolutely stunning buildings and the chance to be blessed by a monk. Kneeling in front of him and having water splashed over you was an experience we will remember.

“Sunday was a holiday in Thailand and a trip to the Chinese market was planned. Busy is an understatement, with crowds of people, lots of fabulous street vendors and live music along packed streets!

“Monday saw us back at Chiva academy, doing more of the Thai massage moves and full of laughs trying to get into some of the positions. Everything is so calm and relaxed, then comes the journey back each night and the traffic that is total madness.

“Each day at the academy we practise previous movements and then learn the new, with a trip to a local restaurant to have lunch and try new dishes. We had our first experience of a thunderstorm, with rain coming down like it has been poured from buckets! Very soon the roads were flooded. Thursday we all sat the theory exam and we all passed! Everyone very relieved that part is over.

“Today has been the last day of the course with us all completing the practical exam in Thai massage. All the learners made an extra effort on their personal presentation and looked very professional. Each learner completed the full hour and fifteen-minute massage on their partner without any course notes, to all pass the practical element. Last was a certificate ceremony where each of us were presented with our certificate and some beautiful flowers. Everyone extremely relieved they had passed!”

Study Beauty with us from September and have the opportunity to go on next year’s trip to Thailand, funded by the Turing scheme. Apply now:

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