Scarborough TEC students support the community during Covid-19 outbreak

While many students are currently working from home, quickly adapting to a new way of working under the Covid-19 restrictions, some students from Scarborough TEC are also undertaking important roles in our community as keyworkers.

Students are currently working to deliver vital medicines by volunteering with local pharmacies, as Receptionists in GP surgeries and for local food and produce suppliers.

Cameron Norman, Performing Arts student, normally spends his days at College designing sound and lighting cues for Scarborough TEC’s next big performance but, he is currently juggling studying at home with working as a Care Assistant for a residential home in Scarborough.

Cameron explained: “I’m currently working as a Care Assistant for over 25 residents, undertaking night shifts as often as I can. My job is to provide one-to-one care to the residents and, although the work can be demanding at times, I’m privileged to be one of the few able to keep working in this difficult time.

“With the challenges of Covid-19 comes new obstacles every day but we are all working and supporting each other both day and night. Being able to work with this incredible team is amazing and I always look forward to seeing all the residents. I feel I have become a part of a family of amazing people, and the challenges of Covid-19 only brings us closer together.”

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