Students get sneak peek of new Yorkshire and Humber Institute of Technology facilities

Computing, Engineering and Games Design students at Scarborough TEC were given a sneak preview of the incredible new Yorkshire & Humber Institute of Technology facilities that are almost complete and will be unveiled in the New Year.

Scarborough TEC is a member of the consortium of colleges, being led by York College, that has brought around £10million of capital funding to our region with the Yorkshire & Humber Institute of Technology.

There has never been a better time to be ready for the digital age and study at a local college that offers dedicated contact time, small class sizes and personalised support!

Ann Hardy, Principal of Scarborough TEC said: “We wanted to give our students a sneak preview of our Institute of Technology spaces, which are really creative and include engineering, design, robotics and some computing facilities.

“The students who came in to see it were absolutely buzzing about the fantastic new resources that are going to be available to them when we come back in January. It’s a wonderful space and we’ll be holding a formal opening towards the end of January but it was really nice to give a sneaky peak before Christmas.”

The new facilities at the College’s Filey Road campus will include an IT Gaming Studio, Digital Arts Lab, Cyber IT Lab, Electronics Lab and a multi-use IT suite.

Scarborough TEC already offers a range of Institute of Technology courses including full-time courses in Level 3 Computing or Games Design.

From September 2021, a range Institute of Technology Higher Education courses will be available at Scarborough TEC that will include;

  • FdSc Computer Software Solutions
  • HND Creative Media Production (Games Development)
  • FdSc Cyber Security (subject to validation)
  • FdSc Digital Design (subject to validation)
  • HNC Engineering

Seventeen-year-old Shannon Marson is currently studying for a Level 3 Engineering qualification at Scarborough TEC and will be one of the first students to use the new facilities. Shannon said: “From a young age Engineering is something I’ve always been passionate about. When I decided to come to College I’d heard lots of good things about Scarborough TEC and when I came in, the new Automotive, Construction and Engineering building had just opened and I was really impressed with the workshops and facilities.  Scarborough TEC just felt very welcoming and a nice place to be.”

Shannon was one of the students who had chance to tour the new facilities and she was impressed with the different study and training options that would now be available. Shannon continued: “The Yorkshire & Humber Institute of Technology are a brilliant idea. We’ve started design engineering this year and the fact we have a new 3D printer can give us a lot of options to create our products rather than just designing them.

“The facilities are also going to be great for studying. They’re impressive and really colourful. The way some of the study spaces have been is really interesting because they give personal study spaces in glass pods so you feel safe even when working on your own.”

Find out more at and you can apply now by email to [email protected] and turn your passion for creativity into a lifetime of career success!

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